Tag Archives: Resolution

Happy New Year

31 Dec

Happy New Years Eve to everyone, and in less than a few hours Happy New Year! When the ball drops we will be ushering in not only a new year, but a new decade.

I normally hate resolutions, but I started to write a few things down. Things I wanted to do for myself to grow. Especially considering my graduation date is set: May 7, 2011!

I thought about all the writing I ought to be doing. All the lyrics, poems, and short stories that I haven’t given myself the time to read.

I thought about all the books that I haven’t read. As an English major I could never say I’ve stopped reading, but I don’t read for myself anymore. That’s another thing I wanted to get back.

My biggest resolution was figuring out what the heck I want to do with my life. As an amateur blogger-singer-photographer-novelist-dog walker I can’t plan beyond graduation. I’m gonna get there though!

So anyways, after I duly committed myself to daily writing and monthly reading, and strenuous career soul-searching, I started to think about life.

You know, the stuff that gets you down. The fact this semester is guaranteed to be one of my most difficult. I have my capstone, as well as another 400 level course, a new position as first vice president, in addition to my roles as historian, parliamentarian and secretary of NPHC. I have to find a job and apply for a job, not knowing exactly where to start but that I need money in my pocket. As well as try to enjoy life without a car for the next couple months. Whew!

So, I got just a little stressed. I didn’t even factor my new resolutions into that equation. So I paused on that.

What is something I need most in 2011?


In short, my “goal” for 2011 is to pray everyday. Pray 50x a day if I need to. But if I plan to get through it all with my sanity, the best thing I can do for myself is pray.

Let Go. Let God.